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NHIS IT Training - Book Training

NHIS offer a variety of both pre-bookable and tailored courses that cover role-specific systems functionality.


 Training Requests:

Tailored requests can be processed via the Request IT Training form*.These sessions can be scheduled on an Ad-Hoc basis to suit the availability of the delegate/s and the Trainer. The request form allows us to understand your exact training needs with system-specific module tick-boxes.

*For SFHT – Careflow EPR
*For GP Practice Staff – SystmOne and EMIS
*For Community Staff at Nottingham CityCare – SystmOne (you’ll find bookable courses on the portal)


Pre-bookable Courses:

Please visit the NHIS Training Booking Portal, use the dropdown list or search bar to find the relevant course for you or your staff member, view dates and book by adding the course to your basket and entering your details, the notification will then be delivered digitally to the relevant team and your place on the course secured. Pre-bookable sessions include:

  • For SFHT - CareFlow EPR (MPI Edit, PPC & Outpatient Reception) and Dragon Medical Workflow (Client)
  • For GP Practice Staff and Community - SystmOne GP and Community New Starter Training



Digital Learning Solutions is an eLearning platform comprising of Clinical, Admin and Desktop systems learning. Please see the ‘Digital Learning Solutions’ tab from the homepage for more information. It may be that the relevant course for you can be completed via eLearning.


If you cannot find the course you are looking for, i.e., EMIS, ICE, Orion, or have other training needs you would like to discuss, please contact us on:

Acute Training Team:; | Tel: 01623 622515 | Ext: 6111

Primary Care Training Team:; | Tel: 0115 8838 855